Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mint Chocolate Cheesecake

You might be wondering why this cheesecake is mint flavored but isn't green? It's because the mint flavor is from.......actual MINT! and not mint extract and weird green food dye. I know, I know, who do I think I am? Well I'd like to think that I am someone who would prefer to extract a flavor as delicious as mint, from the widely available and inexpensive leaf it comes from in the first place.

2 layers of speckled mint cheesecake wrapped around a middle layer of rich, chocolatey cheesecake on top a chocolate wafer cookie crust.

Mint Chocolate Cheesecake
1 1/2 cups finely ground chocolate cookies
1/3 cup earth balance vegan butter, melted
2 tbl organic cane sugar
2-8oz containers Tofutti vegan cream cheese, room temperature
10 oz soft, silken tofu
1/2 cup vegan sour cream
3/4 cup organic cane sugar
1 tbl fresh lemon juice
2 tbl vanilla extract
2 tbl cornstarch
1 tbl ener-g egg replacer powder
mint leaves, to taste
2 tbl cocoa powder
1 cup chopped 58% chocolate pieces, melted

Preheat the oven to 325. Grease 1-9" springform pan.
Combine the ground chocolate cookies, melted butter and sugar together. Press into the bottom of your spring form pan and set aside.
In a food processor (or stand mixture with a whip attachment) beat the cream cheese, tofu, sour cream and sugar until smooth. Add the lemon juice, vanilla, cornstarch and egg replacer.
Remove 1/3 of the cheesecake base and set aside.
Add mint leaves to taste in the mixture remaining in the processor. I used about 8 small mint leaves. Add some then taste and remember that the flavor will become stronger as it bakes and sits.
Blend the mint into the cheesecake base then set aside.
Add the plain cheesecake back into the processor and combine with the cocoa powder and melted chocolate. Whip until smooth.
Pour half of the mint mixture on top of the crust. Add all of the chocolate mixture in the center then pour the remaining mint cheesecake on top.
Bake at 325 for 15 minutes then reduce the heat to 275 and bake for 25 minutes more. Then turn off the oven and open the oven door slightly. Let cool in the oven for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and chill overnight.
Can be frozen and thawed the morning you plan to serve.

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